Before going to buy domains and hosting we must know about some basic knowledge of these technology terms
What is URL (Domain)?
URL means uniform resource locator. The address of a www page. WWW means World Wide Web. So URL is an address for World Wide Web page. It’s look like In this website the homepage URL is this is the domain name for this site. URL has two main parts separated by (:), 1st one is the resource name and another one is protocol identifier. http is a protocol identifier and is resource name. in sort home page URL is the domain name for any websites. Its end with .com,, .in, and etc.
What is keyword research?
A simple definition for the keyword research is “find a key word that most searched on the internet search engine with low competition”. Competition means how many websites fight for a specific keyword. If some little numbers of website modified for a keyword its means low competition. If most, that called high competition. Low competition keyword always good for rank our website 1st on the Google search result. See how to rank 1st on google
How to buy domains name?
Before buy domains name, do a keyword research and find a keyword that can be easily rank 1st on the Google search result. Then go to below any site to buy a domain name. Top 4:
- GoDaddy
- Dynadot
- 1and1
- NameCheap
If this is your first attempt to make a website I recommend to try GoDaddy. Godaddy 1 year plan is only cost $12 with hosting and free domain name for one year. Then your 1st attempt is success you can migrate your website to another good hosting with the same domain name.
Follow these below few steps:
1) Go to any one of the domain selling site and type the domain name on the domain search bar that you want to buy.
2) Look the result is that domain is taken or still available to buy. If available add to your card. Avoid buying premium domain if you are a beginner.
3) Then click “CHECK OUT”.
4) Add your payment information. When ask for email address add a premium one (If you have). Double check the finalist checkout amount.
Finally click “Submit”
Now you bought the domain name.
Try to buy a .com .net or .org domain (Always good)
Nice article pure informative and knowledgeable thank you for sharing it.